Establish your own Instalco company
In addition to Instalco’s regular acquisition strategy, Instalco also establishes new companies, so-called start-ups. This provides great opportunities for the driven entrepreneur who wants to start a new business to quickly enter the industry using Instalco’s network and resources.
We have successfully used our own unique start-up model since 2016. Together with one or more entrepreneurs, we can form new companies in sectors where we, for example, wish to be established but cannot find a suitable acquisition target. If we find the right chemistry with an entrepreneur alongside a good business idea, there is a good chance that we can get started quickly.
Since 2016, Instalco has established several new companies and company groups in both Sweden, Norway and Finland, as well as within the various segments of electricity, heating and sanitation, ventilation, technical consulting, and automation.

A new business area
In 2020, Instalco launched the Business Area Technical consulting with the subsidiary Intec as its central actor. Intec was created through Instalco’s start-up model, where the company's current CEO and founder Anders Lundin together with Instalco had a common ambition to bring the work concerning project planning closer to the installation industry in order to reach the customer at an earlier stage and to offer a broader product to even more customers.
Läs hela casetVentilation in large projects
"The format with Instalco’s support and security in their model together with our experience, competences and network has been a very good combination. Together we will build an innovative, open and project-oriented company and we already have come a long way," says Simon Jennstål.
Do you have a business idea that you dream of realising? Do you want to start a business and company together with us? We have the tools, the conditions and good opportunities for you! Please contact Gustaf Larsson Ernefelt, head of acquisitions, or the Business Area manager in the area in which you intend to start the business.

Gustaf Larsson Ernefelt
Head of M&A +46 (0) 70 608 46 89
Christoffer Rodell
M&A and Business development +46 (0)72 233 59 11