
More and more installations of charging boxes
The Instalco company, Nihlén Elmontage installed 100 charging boxes as part of a project for Kaptenens Samfällighetsförening in Gothenburg. Nihlén is one of several Instalco companies that is growing in this area, installing an ever-increasing number…
19 July 2023
Specialists in solar energy and energy storage
The Instalco company, Vallacom in Linköping, is a pioneer in solar cells and electric car charging. It also has specialist expertise in energy storage, lighting and control systems. Vallacom is able to use its cumulative knowledge to offer optimal so…
11 July 2023
Solar cells on the school roof an obvious choice
The Instalco company, Elinstallationer in Karlshamn was a key player in the construction of Mörrum’s new school. In this partnering project, the company, with its vast experience, was responsible for both the design and installation of all the electr…
07 July 2023