One key component of the new Sustainability Programme is “Sustainable Instalco Project”, which is Instalco´s classification system. Photo: Unsplash.

Instalco launches sustainability classification

Instalco is implementing a new sustainability programme called “Sustainable Installations”. The aim of the programme is to further solidify Instalco's position as a leading installation company in the Nordic region.

“Every single day, Instalco generates benefits to society via its climate-smart, energy-efficient installations that lead to lower consumption of resources. Now, we're expanding our approach and taking even greater responsibility in the area of sustainability with our classification system, “Sustainable Instalco Project”, says Per Sjöstrand, CEO of Instalco.

In order for a project to qualify as a Sustainable Instalco Project, it must meet six specific sustainability indicators. For example, it must meet the requirements on occupational health and safety via the programme, Safe Employee. Furthermore, all suppliers are required to sign Instalco's Code of Conduct. The project must also demonstrate qualities making it climate-smart.

The Sustainability Programme focuses on three main areas that should permeate all areas of the Group's sustainability work:

1. Safe and modern work environment
2. Sustainable installations
3. Mature leadership

Within these three main areas, there are eight sustainability targets that will be measured and followed up on each year. The overall aim is to thereby achieve improvements each year in all areas.

With the new sustainability programme, Instalco has also become a signatory of the UN Global Compact and is committed to doing its part in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda.

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