
Time-effective school project with a focus on energy optimisation
Summer 2023 was a hectic period for the Instalco company VFB in Malmö. Over the course of ten weeks, a project was carried out at the Cathedral School in Lund with a major focus on energy optimisation.
19 October 2023
Norway's first Sustainable Instalco Project
When Kristiansand Municipality decided to invest in a new school centre, with three schools situated in the same area, it contracted Moi Rör for the heating & plumbing work. The project, Tangvall School Centre, became Norway's first Sustainable Insta…
19 October 2023
Projects with a focus on reuse
Kronåsen in Uppsala is a conversion and reuse project adapting Uppsala University's former campus into a modern, municipal upper secondary school for 1,400 students. Two Instalco companies are involved in the project: Intec Mitt is responsible for de…
20 September 2023
High demand for efficient energy solutions
The Finnish government is investing in energy-efficient solutions in conjunction with new property construction. Instalco’s Finnish subsidiary, LVI-Urakointi Paavola is one of the first companies involved in that effort, at a major apartment building…
05 September 2023
Successful renovation thanks to early involvement
With the expansion of the historic property, Åkerblads Gästgiveri in Tällberg, careful renovation and installations were required to preserve the unique environment. The key to success was for Instalco’s technical consultants at Intec to get involved…
11 August 2023
Solutions that save energy for brewery giant
The Instalco company, Kompressorteknik has been engaged for energy efficiency work at Spendrup’s brewery in Grängesberg. Through innovative product solutions, Kompressorteknik has captured savings for Spendrups. Not only have the energy costs decreas…
09 August 2023
Long-term customer relations resulted in an assignment focusing on sustainability at all levels
When Casall, a company that offers workout clothing, decided to build a new head office in Norrköping, the Instalco company, Rörmokaren, was contracted for all of the heating & plumbing installations. There has been a clear environmental focus throug…
01 August 2023
Intec designs for future schools
The Instalco company Intec is engaged as coordinator for a major project stretching over ten years, which also got underway during the year. The work pertains to renovation and new construction of three schools. The client is Gagnef Municipality and…
27 July 2023
Huge recycling of electronics has been made possible by the installations
At Boliden’s smelting plant in Ronnskär, you can find one of the world’s largest recycling stations for electronics. The Instalco company, HP Welding has been contracted for manufacturing and installing a hood for the boiler of the furnace.
22 July 2023
More and more installations of charging boxes
The Instalco company, Nihlén Elmontage installed 100 charging boxes as part of a project for Kaptenens Samfällighetsförening in Gothenburg. Nihlén is one of several Instalco companies that is growing in this area, installing an ever-increasing number…
19 July 2023
Specialists in solar energy and energy storage
The Instalco company, Vallacom in Linköping, is a pioneer in solar cells and electric car charging. It also has specialist expertise in energy storage, lighting and control systems. Vallacom is able to use its cumulative knowledge to offer optimal so…
11 July 2023
Solar cells on the school roof an obvious choice
The Instalco company, Elinstallationer in Karlshamn was a key player in the construction of Mörrum’s new school. In this partnering project, the company, with its vast experience, was responsible for both the design and installation of all the electr…
07 July 2023
Optimization at gasification plant
Höganäs is one of the world’s largest producers of metal powder used in vehicle components, among other things. The Instalco Company, App Start-Up, has been involved in efforts to optimize operations at a gasification plant that produces pure energy…
05 July 2023
Apartment project with focus on low energy consumption
The Instalco company, Tofta Plåt och Ventilation, has worked with the apartment project, Nya Kvibergshuset, which earlier this year was nominated for the Årets Bygge Award (Construction of the Year). Low energy consumption was a clear focus throughou…
15 June 2023
Requirements for standards that go above and beyond
The installation company OTK Klimatinstallationer is carrying out extensive renovations in the classic shop Svenskt Tenn in Östermalm, Stockholm. Some of the major challenges have been finding room for a new modern ventilation unit in the tight basem…
21 December 2022