Senior Management

Robin Boheman

Born 1984

Other significant positions
Board Member in Reledo AB

Work experience
CFO and Head of Acquisitions at Instalco, Management Consultant M&A Integration and Carve-out PWC, Business Developer Scania 

Master’s degree in accounting and finance, Uppsala University

Holdings in Instalco: 1,760,955 shares, 50,000 options (2022/2025), 100,000 options (2023/2026), 50,000 options (2024/2027).


Christina Kassberg

Born 1968

Work experience
CFO Climeon, Addtech, Resurs Holding, Stim and Medivir. Auditor Öhrling PricewaterhouseCoopers

BSc Business & Economics, Stockholm University

Holdings in Instalco: 31,550 shares, 70,000 options (2022/2025), 25,000 options (2023/2026), 50,000 options (2024/2027).


Fredrik Trahn

Born 1969
Head of Communications and Sustainability

Work experience
Journalist SvD, Head of Information Bristol Myers Squibb, Press Officer
Electrolux, Press Officer SEB in the Volvo Ocean Race, Head of Communications Swedish Athletics Association

Degree from the Institute of Graphic Design (GI), studies in communications and Swedish language, Stockholm University

Holdings in Instalco: 27,565 shares, 20,000 options (2022/2025), 50,000 options (2023/2026), 10 000 options (2024/2027).


Extended Senior Management

Anders Lundin, Gustaf Larsson Ernefelt, Johan Larsson, Christina Kassberg, Fredrik Trahn.

Roger Aksnes, Peter Hjerpe (Head of Division Mid until 30 September 2024), Robin Boheman, Patrik Persson.

Instalco's extend Senior Management is in addition to the senior management above made up of the following persons.

Roger Aksnes
Born 1972
Head of Division Norway

Work experience
Project Manager and Head of Department at Bravida, CEO Andersen og Aksnes Rørleggerbedrift

Plumbing and heating technician and master pipe layer, technical college

Holdings in Instalco: 404,152 shares, 35,000 options (2022/2025), 35,000 options (2023/2026).

Johan Larsson
Born 1976
Head of Division North

Work experience
CEO DALAB Dala Luftbehandling, CEO DALAB Group AB

Upper secondary school and training in sheet metal and ventilation installations

Holdings in Instalco: 1,656,610 shares, 5,000 options (2022/2025), 35,000 options (2023/2026), 50,000 options (2024/2027).

Patrik Persson
Born 1964
Head of Division South

Work experience
Deputy CEO and CEO Rörläggaren

Plumbing and heating technician, technical college

Holdings in Instalco: 44,780 shares, 35,000 options (2022/2025), 35,000 options (2023/2026), 35,000 options (2024/2027).

Anders Lundin
Born 1966
Head of Division Technical Consulting

Work experience
30 years’ experience in the consulting industry in a variety of positions.
Regional Manager and Business Area President ÅF Buildings. CEO Intec Nordic

Heating & Plumbing Engineer, Marketing and organisational theory
at Linköping University

Holdings in Instalco: 23,150 shares, 35,000 options (2022/2025), 20,000 options (2023/2026), 10,000 options (2024/2027).

Gustaf Larsson Ernefeldt
Born 1987
Head of M&A

Work experience
Acquisitions and Business Development Werksta Group, Management
Consultant M&A Grant Thornton, Finance/Treasury Findus 

Master’s degree in Corporate Finance, Lund University

Holdings in Instalco: 47,332 shares, 20,000 options (2022/2025), 25,000 options (2023/2026), 35,000 options (2024/2027).


Holding as of 23 August 2024. Including closely related physical and legal persons’ holdings.

150+ local businesses  in Sweden, Norway and Finland