Instalco Annual Report 2019 published

The Board of Directors and CEO of Instalco AB, CIN 559015-8944, hereby present the annual report and consolidated financial statements for the 2019 financial year.

This is a translation of the original Swedish version of the annual report. In the event of any discrepancy, the Swedish wording shall prevail.

“At Instalco, sustainability and providing benefits to society are key concepts. We have also noticed that both our customers and subsidiaries are showing a higher level of awareness and interest in such matters. Awareness of the importance of sustainable entrepreneurship and creating a sustainable society has increased among our customers and consumers. Providing safe, sustainable installations that help generate benefits to society is a high priority for us. We also put much emphasis on having a safe, stimulating work environment at all companies in the Instalco Group.

I am therefore extremely proud of a major achievement, which is the recent launch in 2020 of our sustainability programme, “Sustainable Installations”. It enables us to expand our approach and take even greater responsibility in the area of sustainability.” says Per Sjöstrand, CEO of Instalco.

The Instalco Annual Report 2019

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