Instalco Annual Report 2021 published

The Board of Directors and CEO of Instalco AB, CIN 559015-8944, hereby present the annual report and consolidated financial statements for the 2021 financial year.

This is a translation of the original Swedish version of the annual report. In the event of any discrepancy, the Swedish wording shall prevail.

” The pandemic has been the largest challenge that Instalco has faced thus far and we have coped with it very well. Over the last two years, we have continued delivering high margins and I am proud of how skilfully our subsidiaries have managed the situation and continued to deliver strong performances. They have done so despite the challenges of rising raw material prices, limited access to raw materials and components, restrictions, spread of infection and high absenteeism. It is confirmation that the Instalco model works.

Instalco is already well-equipped for society’s transition to a green economy. We unquestionably have the knowledge and ability to identify and propose the most sustainable and energy-efficient installations for our customers. Instalco is a leader in sustainability and we will continue developing the company in this area, since I am convinced that sustainability will play a crucial role in the construction and installation sector in the future. Every day, Instalco contributes to a better environment, since each of its installations results in energy savings and efficiencies.

In 2021, our number of subsidiaries grew to more than 100. We have completed more than 100 acquisitions since the inception, which has given us unique expertise on how to develop these companies in the best possible way. This is why Instalco is the natural choice for high-performing entrepreneurs. We will continue pursuing our acquisition agenda, with an eye on the best companies in our industry. Instalco was, after all, created to be the best harbour for installation companies. We are also financially wellequipped to continue our journey of acquisitions.”, says Robin Boheman CEO of Instalco.

Instalco Annual Report 2021

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