Instalco Annual Report 2022 published
The Board of Directors and CEO of Instalco hereby present the annual report and consolidated financial statements for the 2022 financial year.
“Our results are strong, particularly in light of the challenging circumstances that characterised the year. At the start of the year, we were impacted by the Omnicron variant and during January-February, our absenteeism was higher than it had ever been at any time during the entire pandemic. The whole of European society was then impacted by Russia's invasion of Ukraine and our industry was by no means exempt. We have had to find ways of coping with skyrocketing prices for materials, energy and transports, disruptions in the supply chain and higher interest rates. All of it has impacted us on many levels, particularly our fixed-price assignments.
Together, in the Group, we have dealt with the changed conditions in a very satisfactory way. We continued to take in new orders, both big and small, at a high pace and covering a broad range of services ranging from design, planning and installation to service and maintenance at properties and facilities in Sweden, Norway and Finland. We have a strong order backlog and continue to grow in the service area. Summing up the year, we are pleased to report that the results are in line with both our financial targets and sustainability goals. And, an impressive 95 projects were certified as Sustainable Instalco Projects in 2022.
It demonstrates the importance of decentralised leadership, entrepreneurship and adaptability. Once again, we have proved that our model works, regardless of the market conditions”, says Robin Boheman CEO of Instalco.
Instalco Annual Report 2022