More and more installations of charging boxes
The Instalco company, Nihlén Elmontage installed 100 charging boxes as part of a project for Kaptenens Samfällighetsförening in Gothenburg. Nihlén is one of several Instalco companies that is growing in this area, installing an ever-increasing number of charging boxes as part of the green transition.
For Nihlén Elmontage, this was its largest project of this type to date.
“We’ve noticed increased interest in this from more and more customers wanting to install charging boxes. Customers include property owners, construction companies, housing cooperatives, associations of local home owners and private individuals,” explains Daniel Nihlén, CEO of Nihlén Elmontage AB.
He envisions a strong trend of Nihlén Elmontage and other Instalco companies installing an ever-increasing number of charging boxes in the future.
“Kaptenens Samfällighetsförening ordered charging boxes for all of the parking spots in building’s garage. Most housing cooperatives are currently opting to equip around 20 percent of their parking spots with charging boxes. They also do the preparations for installing more of them later on, as the need increases,” he says.
Daniel Nihlén highlights how this customer went “all in” by equipping all of its available parking with charging boxes, regardless of whether the spot is currently being used by a person with an electric car. The charging boxes that Nihlén Elmontage installed were acquired from the Norwegian company, Easee Charge. They are a popular choice among private individuals and housing cooperatives.
“They are also easy to install and have functions that can lower the electricity cost by opting to charge at times when the rates are lower,” he explains.
The charging box is equipped with a function for dynamic load and phase balancing to maximize the available electrical capacity in the building.
“The challenge with this project was getting the load balancing to work. The customer was happy with the end result and for our part, we’ve helped in making the green transition a reality,” he says.
The Kaptenens Samfällighetsförening project started up in mid-August of 2022 and was completed early in October of the same year. Nihlén Elmontage had a fixed-price contract for the project, which was also certified as a Sustainable Instalco Project.