Resolutions at the AGM in Instalco 2023
At the annual general meeting in Instalco on 5 May 2023, it was resolved on, among other things, a dividend of SEK 0.66 per share, re-election of all members of the board of directors and election of Ulf Wretskog as a new member of the board of directors, re-election of the auditor, authorisations for the board of directors to resolve on issues, acquisitions and transfers of own shares and the establishment of an incentive program based on warrants.
The annual general meeting adopted the income statement and the balance sheet as well as the consolidated income statement and the consolidated balance sheet for the financial year 2022.
The annual general meeting resolved on a dividend of SEK 0.66 per share and that Tuesday 9 May 2023 shall be the record date for the dividend. Payment of the dividend will be made on Friday 12 May 2023.
The annual general meeting resolved to grant discharge from liability for the board members and the CEO for the financial year 2022.
Per Sjöstrand, Johnny Alvarsson, Carina Qvarngård, Carina Edblad, Per Leopoldsson and Camilla Öberg were re-elected as board members and Ulf Wretskog was elected as a new board member for the period until the close of the next annual general meeting. Per Sjöstrand was also re-elected as chairman of the board for the period until the close of the next annual general meeting.
See the full Bulletin from the AGM: